Poos Ain't Poos is a family owned company that bags all types of manures and mulches for the garden. Poos Ain't Poos offers a fundraising event that is completely different from the normal sausage rolls, cakes or lollies.

It’s coming around to that time of the year when everybody gets out into the fresh air and begins to replenish their gardens and give them a good feed.

Our range of products on offer are:

  • Sheep Manure
  • Cow Manure
  • Chicken Manure
  • Multi Mix
  • Lawn Mix
  • Soil Conditioner
  • Mulching Compost
  • Waterwise Pine Bark Mulch
  • Jungle Mulch
  • Peat
  • Potting Mix

All our products are packed in large bags

Our fundraiser has done very well at several schools, scout troops and sporting clubs. Feedback shows that this is a product that people actually use and do not think twice about buying. The cost to you is just $5.50 per bag with a one off delivery fee of $55.00 (both inclusive of GST). The price to your customers can vary, but we suggest a price of $7.00 or $8.00 per bag. We feel this will be a substantial profit for your fundraiser. 

***       Please organise a delivery date with our Poos Ain't Poos office (9417 3871) as soon as the fundraiser has been decided or delivery cannot be guaranteed.
     Please place your order by fax (9417 9819) with instructions and contact phone numbers one-week prior to the delivery date.